Reclaim Your Time: Winter yoga & movement workshops in Bergen, Norway

Bergen yoga with Dionne


A mini break designed to nourish, uplift and balance your body, mind and spirit.

A journey of different styles and tastes in yoga, movement,
meditation, breathwork and creativity.

Location: Bergen Barneasyl, Herosalen
Asylplassen 2

Date: Saturday 17 November

10 - 12:30 / Workshop 1 : RECHARGE

14:30 - 17:00 / Workshop 2 : RESTORE

bergen winter workshops dionne yoga norway sharon-christina-rorvik
andrew ridley bergen winter workshops yoga dionne

Winter: Finding space in busy times (for busy people)

Winter is an introspective, grounding time, where nature withdraws energy back into itself to replenish, restore and prepare for the next cycle.

Despite the “slower” nature of these introverted months, often this time of year can be one of the busiest and most stressful for so many of us.

Energy can feel sluggish or dull and it can be difficult to stay motivated. We can get a little distant from ourselves as we meet the needs of others.

I get it, this time of year gets busy.
Lots of to-dos, demands and plans.
Hopefully many of them are exciting and delightful!

But sometimes, there´s a feeling that we´re not inbalance. Continuously pouring from our cup, without refilling and refuelling with some “me time”.

The symptoms?

Lack of motivation.
Low immunity.

You know the drill.

Often at the root is the urge we have to meet the demands from the season. From ourselves and from others.

I feel you.


And there´s a lot of things i´ve learned on my personal and teaching journey that can help, so these workshops are an offering designed to support you through the busy season. So you can be more centred + present + charged - especially when you feel you are too busy for all of that 


So, here’s what’s on offer:

  • Deepen your yoga and meditation practice with mindful movement, stillness and breath work practices

  • Learn tools and techniques to help you manage stress in the busy season.

  • Charge up your energy levels to support you through the shorter days and longer nights

  • Practice slowing down to a sustainable pace so you can feel more balanced and connected

  • Cultivate compassion and awareness, going inward to tune into what you need so your practice (on and off the mat) is sustainable.


Give yourself a gift this season and treat yourself to some time and space to fill up your cup so you can feel more nourished, uplifted and balanced this winter.

marcelo-quinan bergen norway winter workshops dionne yoga
elisa coluccia bergen winter workshops dionne yoga


Charge up and find your glow this winter! 
This workshop is designed to cultivating radiant energy that is balanced and sustainable. Boost your energy and circulation and warm up from the inside out.

Let’s reignite our charge and give ourselves a big ole warm hug. That’s kind of what this practice is like. An actual hug. Especially if we’re feeling a little tender or disconnected.

Expect some immediate state-shifting using some fun and refreshing breath work and movement studies focussed on upper body and particularly shoulders (desk hunchers unite!) hips and spine, plus lots of hugs of course (yes!). Hope it warms you up and inspires gratitude for yourself.

Focus is on interplaying effort and ease, tuning in to what you need, whilst experimenting with options to shift stagnant energy. An energising, dynamic yet balanced flow class exploring our connection to centre and releasing unnecessary tension in the process.

A full and rounded rejuvenating practice with enough heat and softness. Potential spicy meatballs but babes, you choose your seasoning, ok? ok!

Recharge and create more space, fluidity, expansiveness and gratitude, all whilst being radiantly you.

What to expect:

  • Unhurried vinyasa flow class with movement explorations:::::

  • Experiments in mindful movement and stillness:::

  • Breath work::::

  • Meditation::::

  • Mindfulness::::

  • Immunity boosting techniques:::::

  • Creative activity::::

  • Aromatherapy element:::::

  • Standing and floor work using props (or not – it’s your practice!)::::

  • Build heat, strength and energy but from a sustainable and centred place of awareness::::

  • Experiments in fluidity, movement and ease:::

  • Rejuvenate. Refresh. Recharge:::


Workshop timings:

Arrive from 09:45

Yoga & Movement workshop 10:00 - 12:30

bergen winter workshops norway yoga dionne atle mo
bergen winter workshops dionne yoga lukas budimaier



Intended to be a “balm for your bits”, this workshop will explore somatic and restorative practices to encourage grounding, relieve stress, anxiety, unravel the chest, hips and spine.

This will be a deeply relaxing and meditative workshop designed to help you unravel tension and find ease.  

Deeply gentle, relaxing and restorative, this class will take the rhythm of our (Take care of you) Yoga + Self Care Workshops.

A safe, intimate, nourishing and rejuvenating environment for your body and mind. Journey through a grounded, quiet, calm and restorative self care practice.

Feast on tools and techniques that encourage you to slow down and delve a little deeper into yourself.

Time out to get to know yourself again, thoughts, body, guts, home. Reacquaint, explore how to come back to yourself and discover ways to maintain self care when we return to the outside world.

A sumptuous and sensual exploration discovering the best methods to nurture and support yourself. Addressing how to integrate self care into daily life. More space, stress less, refuel and replenish.

This tends to be a deeper and more intuitive self study, combining movement and stillness. I’ll be guiding the session but exploration and deep listening (to yourself) is encouraged.


What to expect:

  • Slow, gentle, tender movement, mostly on the floor:::

  • Detail::::

  • Stillness:::::

  • Fluidity::::

  • Self massage::::

  • Breath work::::

  • Discovery::::

  • Deep rest::::

  • Aromatherapy element::::

  • Less doing, relax into being::::

  • A deep, replenishing reset:::

  • Creative activity::::


Workshop timings:

Arrive from 14:15

Yoga & Movement workshop 14:30 - 17:00

giulia bertelli bergen winter workshops yoga
bergen winter workshops dionne yoga
cole hutson bergen autumn workshop dionne
christian newman bergen winter workshops yoga
sora sagano bergen winter workshops yoga


Times & Location

Bergen Barneasyl, Herosalen
Asylplassen 2
Saturday 17 November

10-12:30 Workshop 1: RECHARGE
14:30-17:00 Workshop 2: RESTORE

We will open the doors 15 minutes before the workshops start. Ketil will greet you all by the main entrance to the Bergen Barneasyl kindergarten, and show you upstairs to the majestic Herosalen where the workshops take place.

Tea will be served after each workshop.


  • Deal for both workshops 800 NOK

  • Deal for each of the workshops separately 450 NOK

*Places are limited and are assigned on a first come, first served basis. 

*To register and reserve your space, pre-pay to my Norwegian bank account: Dionne Elizabeth, 1203 91 73059 (DNB)

*You can also pay to Ketil's VIPPS - phone number: 45082772 name: Ketil Kinden Endresen

*Please mark your payment with your name as a reference and email or use the form in my contact section and we will confirm your place via email.

* Payments are non-refundable unless your space can be filled.

* Please bring a yoga mat, blanket and notebook.

* These workshops are open to all. 

If you have further questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Here's the facebook event. Thank you for sharing! 

Can’t wait to see you!

x x

dionne (+ ketil)

herosalen, bergen, dionne yoga
Yoga with Dionne at Herosalen - Picture by Fred Klemetsen
Dionne Yoga Bergen