I can and i have. I can support you explore where you’re at right now and hold space for you to be in the season you’re in (you might be in a season where rest is best, for example, and a great thing you can do is explore “play”, getting clear on what lights you up, which is one of my specialist subjects, if you’ve ever listened to my podcast, you’ll know this comes up in every episode).
I can also support you if you’re in a season where you might have an idea under the surface but perhaps are blocked by fear. We can take small steps to work with that too. It’s a collaboration, so providing you feel ready to explore, i’m ready to meet you!
I struggle with depression and am looking for creative support in my romantic life. Can you coach me with that?
I certainly take a holistic approach to creative coaching, and mental health is always a consideration (and impossible to separate from any aspect of our lives) however I am not a therapist, but i encourage all of us to explore therapy if that resonates. Here are some resources (scroll to the links). I’m not a relationship coach. But there are loads of great people out there doing the good work though! Good luck!
Is this creative coaching just for those people looking to make money from their art? What about those of us who want to do it for our soul?
Re: the first question, no, this collaboration is not only for people who use creativity in their work, but I certainly work with lots of people who do, as well as many who aren’t labelled an “artist” specifically. For example, some of my clients are teachers, marketers, administrators, managers, full time parents, hairdressers, chefs and more. I don’t put creativity in a box that can only belong to some kinds of people. We are all creative beings. If you have a project or passion, it’s worthy of time and attention and nurturing.