Q + A
Q: When does this programme start and finish?
A: This 4-part programme starts the day you purchase it (your first self care package is emailed to you within 24 hours of your purchase) and as the four modules are sent weekly, it can be explored at your own pace.
Life happens, so there’s no punishments if you don’t get through all the resources within each week. Suggestion is to explore the choose your own adventure road map that comes with each week and has a clear, succinct offering for you, depending on your needs and focus this season. It’s accessible as it curates “one thing” according to whether you’re looking to REST, ACTIVATE or PROCESS. Read more about it above.
Although this programme focusses on the autumn season, there are certainly ever-green tools in this programme, so you might find it helpful to return to content at a later date.
Q: Will the audio and video content expire?
A: No, you will have access to all content as long as Take Care of You: Autumn is online!
Q: Hey, i’m a bit new to the yoga stuff, is it going to be all weird pretzel shapes and bossy powertripping telling me to do things my body doesn’t like?
A: I’m so glad you asked this. cause no, beloved. it sure ain’t!
You will receive classes of varying lengths i have recorded for you (to do in your own time…or don’t!)
It’s an offering in my typical style (read and see more on that HERE). You can play the video then lay down and have a snooze if that’s your vibe that day. Or join in at points.
Or adapt the practice (i offer heaps of alternatives always, so it’s inclusive and adjustable. You always get to choose your own seasoning).
Also, worth mentioning that the yoga + movement part is just one tool that we explore to take care of ourselves during the autumn season.
Q: Meditation…? Aaaaagh!
A: I hear that. that was actually me for about 10 years or so. So i get it. Which is why i wanted to offer a variety of meditation approaches in this programme. Sitting on a pew looking serene and blissed out is not a requirement.
You’re invited to try these offerings and- who knows - you might even have fun exploring! I KNOW!
Or, just leave it behind. as above. it’s just one of many tools.
Q: How much time do i need to dedicate to this during the month?
A: That’s completely up to you but minimum, one minute a week (i know!).
I made this self-paced course for busy people as a way to help balance the often hectic season. This programme is set up so you get a self care package delivered to your inbox each week that you can dip into or keep as a resource to use at a later date.
I purposefully created the audiobook version of this programme so you could access the content in a more flexible way - and you can choose to make your way through that chronologically or dip into the chapters that speak to you.
The yoga and movement videos vary in lengths as you can see above, the shortest is 3 minutes, the longest 37, and you also have access to many more free videos in my library which i curate for you to sync with the theme of the week. So you can use the videos as much or as little as you like.
The meditations are up to 10 minutes long each. Again, use as desired.
The creative activities can also be adaptable depending how much time you have in the week to dedicate to it. I would recommend you taking 30 minutes to an hour if possible. More if you have space for it, less if you don’t!
You also have prompts and check-ins which might be ideas you ponder as you go about your week. Or, as i like to recommend, you can write them out.
The programme is delivered so you can build onto your self care each week, as much or as little as you like. If you really dig something, you can continue it throughout the journey, or drop it and pick up something else that i’m offering.
…Um, not sure i really answered that well but truth is, the more you put in, the more you get out of it, and vice versa. But also, the key to ALLLL of this, is that this is a supportive and encouraging space for you to get more acquainted with how you show up and take care of yourself. So if you have a busy week or weeks, learning how to work with that rather than against it (and punish yourself) is going to be your work for the month! Choose your own adventure and use it as a support rather than a chore.
If you want to chat to me about it, feel welcome to ask me Qs HERE!
Q: Creativity….but i’m not…”creative”!
A: Sure you are! We all are!
We each have inherent capacity to create and most of it has to do with allowing ourselves space to explore that for ourselves, outside of what we thing “being creative” looks like.
Hint: it doesn’t have to be “perfect” (cause it already is, without being too cryptic). We get to tune into ourselves in a different way and express that in whatever we feel. But don’t worry, i won’t leave you hanging. I’m sharing some of my trusted tools that i hope will support you to deepen your own relationship with your creativity. Whether you are “well seasoned” or “very new” to this. It doesn’t matter. It’s all good. Perfect and unique as you are.
So, should this speak to you, a heads up that
enrolment is open and you can begin when you're ready baybee!
No, you don't have to complete it by a certain time.
Yes, you get access to week 1 content within 24 hours of signing up.
I'm (Pointer Sisters) excited to welcome you, so it resonates,
i hope you'll join me.