Magical monkey claw // Yoga with Dionne


Hello my friends, hope this finds you as well as can be at this time. (Still challenging to find the best way of writing this with the earnestness of my intention! 💜)

Just popping in to share a bit of connective tissue work which is really popular in my workshops and i think, for good reasons: it’s kind of magical and all credit to the body and its amazingness!

Thought i’d share it with you cause it’s been much requested (i’m hyping it up now and maybe will regret that lol!) I like to call it the monkey-toe-claw-grip, although i’m open to new names though!

You’ll need: some floor that you can slide on. Carpet or a blanket on wooden floor.

Really hope this helps you find some space- let me know eh? 🦋

Shoutout to my Patreon crew who enable me to keep making these videos and shoutout to everyone practicing- i've just seen we're nearly at 1000 subs here on our YouTube channel?! WHAAAT?! Shall we do something to celebrate?

Comment below for requests! 💗

dionne xx