May favourites!

Hiya! It's May! Spring-summer balmy times and the start of festival season! I've been stocking up a few of my fave things to share with you from last month! I hope these treats inspire and delight you (as they have me).


Millenial Hoarders

Tag yourself! (i´m Dan + Simone...)


Podcast: How i built this

I got into this a little late (but who cares about when something lands on your lap, eh?) and i've been digging so many of the inspirational stories! If you're into bio's especially related to business and "success" (hint: most of these stories create their own rules for success which i diiig), then you´ll feel it! 


This piece on Ibeyi's home in Cuba ibeyi

How being shameless changed my life

I always have time for some Shameless Maya..."do you, boo!"


I love me some Barbie 💖


How to fold your underwear

I'd always appreciated Marie (i've always talked to and named "things" so it was reassuring to hear of her tactic for whether something's a keeper!)... THIS however is awe inspiring (mainly because my drawers are still bulging with unorganised, um, drawers.)


When breath becomes air

This is so powerful and inspiring. 

Well, that's all for now folks! Hope you enjoyed that feed! I'll be back real soon with more faves, but let me know what's floating your boat these days eh? 

