Turmeric Milk Recipe

Heavens of healing sweetness!

A trusted part of my winter evening ritual (cue claxon) is the Ayurveda inspired super delicious cosy drink that helps set the mood for sleepytime.

Sweet and spicy it has "healing spice" turmeric at its heart, which is brilliant if you’re feeling a little under the weather. It’s high in antioxidants, magnesium and iron and a nice option to ease sore throats, cold and cough symptoms as well as soothing stomachs! What’s more is it´s SUPER QUICK and easy to make.


turmeric milk recipe


(this makes around 2 cups!)

2 cups of almond/coconut milk
1 tablespoon of ground turmeric
1 cinnamon stick or teaspoon of ground cinnamon
1/2 a tablespoon of honey (i use these guys)
a couple of cardamom pods (optional)
a plonk of grated ginger
a pinch of black pepper


Warm all the ingredients in a pan. Strain if you don’t like bits. I like bits, so i just serve and drink!

IN MY MOUTH (quite quickly, because it’s yums)

Enjoy (and let me know what you think!) x

PS: Did you hear my “I Feel For You” podcast episode on my Winter Morning Rituals? Listen here.