shoot your shot 📷

📷 by Sol bela

📷 by Sol bela

One year ago i met the amazing Sol Bela ( @smokingdesires on ig ) - i found her incredible work on the internet and by chance, before i could think too much about it, decided to reach out and ask if she happened to be in town - i was due back to Barcelona the following day and had a mad idea to take a chance and invest in some portraits. 

Two reasons why this was particularly hard: 

1) i’m not great at having my photo taken. combination of being super shy in front of cameras and my “low hit rate” as my photography teacher at uni took great pleasure in repeating to me over the years and

2) i felt embarrassed to prioritise this knowing aforementioned facts. would i be super awks? hard to work with? come back with nothing? waste their time? who was i, to think i could get a chance to connect with such a talented person at such short notice?!

Well, you can guess what happened next…

But before i reached out, the key moment was when i first saw Sol Bela’s portfolio, i felt a big sacral grunt “YES!”, or perhaps it was more, “YAAAASSSSS!!!!🔥🔥🔥” - it spoke to me in ways i couldn’t explain.

Seeing people like me, being brown and free. i felt it. i needed it. And i couldn’t afford to go to the Caribbean. So i returned to a place i’d lived many years before: Barcelona

i also wanted to work with a Black woman photographer specifically, for many reasons, one most glaringly obvious, the racial bias of photography…

Teaching the camera to see my skin

Racial bias built into photography

…and also to support the work of someone i admired who was building something i wanted to see more of in this world.

Somehow, Sol Bela’s skills make things dreamlike yet real. no photoshopping or distortion of the person (no shade if you do, i just wanted to be me, as i was, but with bronzer cause babes, i am GREEN in the winter 🤢- shoutout to Simona whose makeup artistry skills are real! 🔥🔥🔥) 

and Sol Bela is a dream herself. such a brilliant, fun, extremely talented person to work with RUNNING TINGS in Barcelona like @theVoodooclub and she has just launched a youtube channel (Solbela - go get some nourishment! 💦)

So, what did i learn?

Although i was of course, shy and awkward in front of the camera at first, Sol Bela made me less so. hehe. i think… but most of all, i was so happy she managed to create art from, well, some awks ageing clay. heheh. 

shoot your shot.gif

The moral is of course, your regular reminder to shoot your shot babes, cause there are amazing humans in the world ready to receive you. Despite odds, worries or fears.

I’m so glad i took the plunge to go for it despite being afraid, and always smile at the memory of us misbehaving on the rooftop at dusk, (my favourite time of day)…

the miracle of this shoot somehow, miraculously and serendipitously, coming together in perfect time…

the fun i had connecting and getting to know this Being…

and the others i met randomly on the way, on this trip -shoutout to @avrasimona who did my makeup and taught me so much…her kindness i’ll never forget 💜(and talents too because her instagram posts inspire and delight! Serious tutorials bbz!

plus, lest i forget, the unexpected random sequins found en route for Ethel!

So, tell me something, (you can’t play bass? -sorry)

When did you last shoot your shot?

How did it feel? Tell me a story!

I’m always interested in our collective learning moments.

Sending you love and encouragement, always!

Dionne x

ps here’s some notes and reflections from last years shoot!

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Home for a day then back to dj in Norway this weekend for the second time this month. It’s been a wild couple of weeks with so much happening in creative coaching + yoga + movement + music projects and events that I have to blink really hard sometimes. I’m so excited to share what i’ve been concocting - soon! ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ …Also I really need to wash my hair tonight 💆🏽‍♀️and watch Riverdale 👩🏻 (why didn’t you tell me about this show?!) and do the washing 👖and make a podcast 🎙 and pack again 🎒 and also put some toothpaste on this spot I’ve named Geoffrey who’s appeared as a tiredness protest 😘 ——yet i’m sitting in bed typing a post for ig so not sure anything else is going to happen after this (perhaps catching up with good people + Mr Bubz cause aint he a mood? 🐾) ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ ⚡️There’s always stuff to do….But one thing at a time eh lads?⚡️⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Anyhoo (never said/wrote that before 🥴)⁣⁣ I have made you a Digest 💌, which I will be sending out tomorrow and it’s based on a learning moment I had in Barcelona two days ago when I was in the throes of, well, quite grumpy anxiety, which is a very specific type I think, don’t you, my anxiety buddies? 👍🏽⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ But it’s a letter that’s hopefully encouraging, also, very much filled with love, and believe it or not, isn’t for once, a gigantic essay. …Really selling this aren’t I? ⁣⁣ As always there’s links to special treats which you can take or leave! ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ You can get this love note direct to your inbox if you’re not already subscribed, 💌

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39 today! I made it! Grateful. 💜⁣⁣⁣ Realising I close my eyes a lot. Helps me feel things even more.⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ Here’s a picture of me taken a couple of weeks ago in Barcelona! I’m in my natural state of sequins and shyness in front of the camera 💅🏾✨ captured by the most breathtaking photographer @smokingdesires who I found very randomly but also romantically cause I fell in love with her images and then her being (she is doing some amazing projects including a club night called @thevoodooclub which I really want to go to ASAP- shall we assemble a crew?) ⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ I was so lucky this day, not only meeting Sol Bela, who was a dream to work with (never felt so “me” and comfortable!) but also having the honor of having @avrasimona put makeup on my face which was another a huge and unexpected treat (and also exacerbated comfortable feels!) ⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ She was so kind and patient with my lack of any knowledge about makeup too (she is literally an encyclopaedia of skin wisdom tbh!) Truly talented (and worked with RhiRhi as the @Fentybeauty ambassador for Spain😛and now reps @ctilburymakeup darlings!) ⁣⁣⁣ ⁣Go meet + support these incredible women! 🙋🏽‍♀️🌈🌺❤️🌹💜🥰⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Honestly still feeling so lucky to have these memories and still pinching myself. It was one of those wild days where somehow, miraculously, everything just flows and unexplainable, unpredictable magic happens. Some of you got the storytime moment in a recent Digest 💌 but for those who didn’t, lesson learned: “shoot your shot” 🏀 and take a leap! You never know! ⁣🍯✨💅🏾🌺🐾🌻🍑🌈⛸⁣⁣ ⁣

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