What Monaco taught me about failure, freedom + trust ⚓️ // Episode 23 shownotes
Glamour all the time Goldie Hawn in Overboard (1987)
Have you ever felt it’s time to get up and out of a job, relationship or situation? But then start questioning or doubting yourself? Worrying that quitting somehow makes you a failure?
I feel you.
I’ve been there too.
So in today’s podcast i wanted to share a personal story, from my time of living and working onboard a superyacht in Monaco… Yeah, i know, it’s weird isn’t it?
I often get asked about my past lives, and despite there being lots of cringe moments in this one (enjoy!), i wholeheartedly own them as they very much make me who i am.
So I hope this story inspires you to appreciate all of the learning moments that have brought you to where you are today. Also, i hope it serves as a reminder and/or a prompt learning to tune into and trust yourself and your own inner guidance system so you can hear what you want. What you really want. (Ps not a timely clickbait spice girl reference because, well…) And the importance of making space and time to connect with yourself, often.
I love you. And i hope there aren’t too many gross references to bodily fluids in there! 😬🥐
Scroll these shownotes for more below (epic fashion moments + 2006 JoJo Leave, GET the hell OUT of there playlist!)
Remember to come and join the conversation in the comments and/or tag me on ig / twitter and use the hashtag #iFeelForYouPodcast !
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I appreciate you!
dionne ❤️
Episode produced by me + Ketil Kinden Endresen (ketxl.com) who also made the music!
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Links i mentioned:
My next Norway winter workshops: Reclaim Your Time ❄️
That playlist of delight + cringe from 2007!
Donate and buy me some carrots if you feel like it!
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