What can we learn from the full moon - eclipse - retrograde(s) - Cancer season energy?
Musician Stevie Wonder sits amid the eerie rocks of the Bisti Badlands in Farmington, New Mexico, filming a commercial, 1982.
Originally made for my Digest, 16 July 2019
Hi darlings,
How’s eclipse season/numerous planets in retrograde/today’s full moon eclipse going for you? (FYI the first stage starts at 7.43pm GMT and the best time to see it is between 9.06pm till 11.59pm GMT today, 16 July)
In the last few days alone, Gatwick airport air traffic control computers went down, the internet was out in our entire district for the day, numerous apps and platforms with glitches or completely down across the world (the last time happened on the last Mercury Retrograde in March) and is the sat nav issue resolved yet? I mean...the energy is quite something! Have you observed anything?
In the early hours of this morning thanks to my full moon insomnia (anyone else?!) i was considering these planetary shifts and how they affect us collectively and individually.
In my last two podcasts i’m talking about some of my personal experiences with this explosive energy these weeks.
But also, as the world feels like it is continuing to implode, i’m observing the patterns in our societies that demand us to pay attention and take action, including :
The ongoing situation in Sudan - follow my friend for updates and links and inspiring stories of real life people taking real life action.
The extremely dangerous racist white nationalist whose name i’ll never mention for it pains me to even utter, shows us what we’ve always known and once again, Black, Brown and Indigenous women tell us the truth.
The dehumanising ice raids continue to terrorise Black and Brown people - ps know your rights, here’s how to prepare. pass it on.
And we will not turn away from what’s happening in detention camps.
My thoughts and aching heart also, contemplating the life and work of Sadie Roberts-Joseph (tw cause this was a lot…) And love to the people of Baton Rouge, a place i was lucky enough to visit in 2011 and is close to my heart.
These situations and patterns are not a new phenomenon. Every day, at numerous horrors, triggering and deeply upsetting stories and painful realities that, whether we like it or not, affect all of us. Whether we choose to see it or not.
Some days i wish i didn’t see it...but it’s simply not an option.
These have been enabled within systems that have been upheld for a long time.
But the nature of the energy of this season, this combustible and active energy, requires we take a good look. To not turn away and enable apathy. Rather, to pay attention. To take action.
So, this on my mind as well as various environmental situations…
Humour me a moment for some energetic planetary chit chat:
I was considering how interesting it is that today’s full moon eclipse is in Capricorn, an earth sign, ruled by the planet Saturn, which represents themes including hierarchy, boundaries, balance, karma, hard lessons, justice, and stability amongst other powerful stuff.
...Do you see a pattern?
And I think it’s no coincidence the California earthquakes happened when they did (the first occurring on the farce that is the 4th July no less! ) and are trying to literally shake up our infrastructure -literally the earth we stand on- demanding we build new foundations. There are so many other environmental urgencies of course, but this felt symbolic and in alignment with the cosmos. And aligned with the truth that until we are all free, nobody is free.
The planet on which we reside is urgently calling for our attention. For change.
And we might already be working on it - this isn’t a snooty hierarchy of performative activism i’m calling for here, i’m simply reaching out to ask if you feel this too, and if you are interested in going deeper?
Cause as Serena Williams so gracefully said this week,
"The day I stop fighting for equality and for people that look like you and me will be the day I'm in my grave."
I won’t stop fighting for justice.
For this planet. For our world.
Part of that fight is continuing to create safe spaces for practicing how we can be as centred, whole and present as we can be. Revolutionary wellbeing, if you will. Cause in order to do the right thing, we have to be right within.
More thoughts about how we can approach this here:
I’m also interested in hope. The audacity of it, yes.
And i will not give up on joy as resistance.
To honour that, i’d like to also add some inspiration from the last few days, including:
This Queer love in Color series in particular, the story of Mike, 72, and Phil, 76
“I wore my hot red pants,” Mike, left, said. Then he laughed. Mischievously. “They worked every time.”“They did,” Phil said. “And I’m glad I was there to calm you down.”
Which comes right in time as i just finished Mr Loverman, the story of a 74 year old Jamaican Dandy as part of The Other Bookclub.
The magic + wonder of what happens when you sneeze, caught by x-ray
Nina Simone giving us all a pep talk in how to be more ourselves and get free
This perfect merging of three of my fave things: dogs, dogs swimming and rnb
We need joy.
As resistance.
As liberation.
As well as action. Strategy. Honesty. Justice. Dealing with the stuff that makes us uncomfortable. A shedding of the layers. And the stuff that holds us back.In order to create room for new energy.
So. Where does all of this that leave us?
Hopeful? Exhausted? Confused? Determined?
I am interested in your thoughts. Your ideas. Your questions. And if you’re interested in going deeper with me.
Oh and obviously, i made a playlist to see us through eclipse season. Join me in dancing in my pants today (and whenever you like)
This is the last Digest for a little bit. As i spoke about in my latest podcast i’m stepping back from the podcast and the Digest whilst i hunker down ready to welcome our guests for our Brighton Retreat! I’m so grateful and excited to spend this time with such amazing people. Deepening, holding space, practicing, connecting, eating and exploring joy!
After the retreat i’ll take some time to absorb and hold space to process, soften and - this is taking every bone + tendon to write, but “be”. yep. i spoke + wrote about it all those years back, and i’m still trying. After the traumas of the last month i'm actively practicing joy. And rest. so working on it. Then i’ll be in production mode with something i’m planning for the fall. In the meantime i’m also working with my Coaching Clients so conserving all energy for these tremendous souls! (reminder i'm booking for the autumn, limited availability- book yourself in here if you're interested)
So i’ll say "see you soon" for now, but do make sure you’re subscribed to my podcast + feel free to connect with me on socials, i tend to be on instagram if anywhere! Of course, you can always mail me too, simply get in touch here.
I love to hear from you.
I love you
And i believe in us ❤️
dionne x
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