Breathwork for calming and easing anxiety

The breath is mighty powerful and has such a huge impact on the way we feel. It can transform a very anxious situation to something more easeful (ever been annoyed by someone who tells you to "just breathe" when you’re stressed out? There’s good reason for their intentions even though it surely makes for an eyeroll bonanza 🙄!) ⁣

So here’s a video of a breathwork practice i use regularly (especially at airports after problematic moments transitioning through the unnecessarily exhausting and dehumanising process of immigration 😒 looking at you Bergen Flesland every damn time 😞) , which I hope will be centring and meditative + useful for relaxation and grounding. It could also be useful for anxiety and stress, so feel free to try this out at any time and see how you feel. ⁣

You will need: Floor space to lay down - feel free to luxe it up as you like with blankets, cushions etc. ⁣🧖🏽‍♀️💅🏾

Really hope that this is useful for you. ⁣
Let me know how you go! Thanks for practicing with me! 💗

dionne x

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