Are you watching NEOWISE? ☄️

Tracking NEOWISE cause i’m that sort

Tracking NEOWISE cause i’m that sort

Comet C/2020 F3 Neowise has been making moves lately. And i’ve been in my element tracking this majestic beast in the skies above (with no telescope!)

We are approaching 23 July, when Neowise is due to be closest to earth which is pretty exciting huh? So if you haven’t already seen this phenomenon, you have time, providing your skies are clear.

I use this site to track where planets (or comets, moons, planets, stars etc) are in the sky above me in real time (and to check oddities i see on my night walks that aren’t on Flight Radar…anyone else?!)

Let me know what you see!

☄️PS more notes and ideas for rituals during this time of new moon and cosmic phenomena, over on my recent Patreon post here!

a playlist for the road ✨


Listen on Spotify: Playlist for i Feel For You podcast episode 67 🦋