🌈 Create your own rainbow // Yoga with Dionne


Hi loves,
I really hope you're well...Thank you so much for being here. πŸ’œ

There's so much to write and say and update you with...yet also doing my very best to centre and tend to my energy, as right now, there's a lot going on in the world. And a lot going on behind the scenes.

My days are currently spent processing and organising. Meetings (ironically on Zoom so much more than when we had our Livestream programme!) and check-ins with community which is...intense but feels like the right place for me to be right now.

As well as focussing on getting through each day.
Which to be honest, feels like an achievement in itself.
The work is exhausting, but i have no choice but to show up.

What i know for sure. is how critical it is to find those safe places to land, even more than before.

To re-centre by any means necessary.

That doesn't mean "yoga" or "movement" at all, it's whatever works.
You know this though right? I mean, if not you've heard me go on about this?

So, I encourage you to find your safe places to land.
And if they don't exist, create them.
We need you to be as rested, nourished and cared for as possible.

Now more than ever. So take care of you.

I hope this movement video is useful, right now to anyone.

I hope it helps.

I love you. Stay safe.

dionne x

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