new livestream event: a place to land (for rest)


I don’t know about you- actually i do know, for many of you out there have told me you are finding it hard to access rest. Struggling to get good quality restoration, or resistant to even entertaining the idea in the first place. So this session is a playspace - to explore, experiment and put rest into practice.

So on Sunday 12 July join me for this workshop where we will explore ideas around the theme REST. How to make it accessible and real, by creating a place to land.

We’ll have a short introduction chat, a creative writing activity, then a session, mostly on the floor, where we will explore somatic movement and restorative stillness in order to release tension and soothe the nervous system. 

Sound good?

Here are the details:

If you’ve ever been to one of my workshops Pause / Self Care Sessions / Slow Down Club / you’ll have an idea of the vibe, but if not and you have any questions about it, please get in touch!

Hope you can join us!

Much love!

a playlist for the road ✨